Understanding Ultraviolet Laser Marking’s Ultrafine Capabilities

The ability of ultraviolet (UV) laser marking machines to achieve ultrafine marking primarily relies on the unique characteristics of UV lasers. The short wavelength of UV lasers, typically ranging from 200 to 400 nanometers, enables a higher light density, resulting in finer marking precision. Here are some reasons for achieving ultrafine marking:


1.Shorter Wavelength: UV lasers have a shorter wavelength compared to other lasers, allowing for tighter focusing of the beam and generating smaller marking points, thus achieving more precise marking effects.
2.Higher Energy Density: UV lasers operate within a specific wavelength range with higher energy density, enabling more precise etching, marking, and finer details on smaller surfaces.

3.Reduced Heat Affected Zone: UV laser marking machines typically create a smaller heat-affected zone, allowing for ultrafine marking without damaging the surrounding materials.
4.Precise Control: UV laser marking machines possess highly accurate control systems, allowing fine adjustment of laser power, frequency, and focus, enabling ultrafine marking.


These attributes make UV laser marking machines highly effective for applications requiring intricate marking and engraving, particularly when ultrafine detailing on a microscopic scale is necessary.

Post time: Dec-19-2023